

Research progress on co-deposition of calcium phosphate with bioactive molecules on titanium implant surface
摘要 以仿生沉积法制备钙磷-生物活性分子涂层是近年来钛种植体表面改性的重要方向之一。该法在生理性的温度和酸碱度条件下,将钛种植体浸入到含有促进骨细胞生长的生长因子、药物和蛋白质的模拟体液(SBF)中,这些生长因子、药物和蛋白质等生物活性分子被整合到磷灰石晶体内部,共沉积到钛种植体表面,而不损失生物活性,所获得的涂层具有良好的生物相容性、骨传导性和生物降解性。在制备过程中,SBF的用量、蛋白质或药物的质量浓度以及等电点等因素会对涂层的载药率产生影响,而蛋白质或药物的释放行为则受载药率、涂层降解速度以及蛋白质或药物在涂层中所吸附位置影响。本文就仿生沉积法,仿生钙磷-生物活性分子涂层的生物活性,共沉积生物活性分子对仿生钙磷涂层理化性能的影响,仿生钙磷-生物活性分子涂层载药性等研究进展作一综述。 In recent years, calcium-phosphate/bioactive coating molecules produced by biomimetic deposition technique have become an important research direction in the field of titanium surface modification. In biomimetic deposition technique, the coating is fabricated under physiological conditions of temperature and pH. Titanium implants were immersed into simulated body fluid(SBF) containing osteogenic molecules, such as growth factors, drugs, and proteins. These bioactive molecules can be incorporated into apatite and co-precipitated with calcium phosphate coating without loss of biological activity during the deposition process. The coating demonstrates good biocompatibility, osteoconductivity, and biodegradability. The drug-loading rate of the apatite coating is affected by the volume of SBF, concentration of protein/drugs, and protein isoelectric point, whereas the release behavior of protein(drugs) is affected by the drug loading rate, coating degradation rate, and adsorption positions of drugs and proteins in the coating. This article reviews current research progress on the characteristics of biomimetic deposition method, biological activity of calcium phosphate bioactive coatings, effect of bioactive molecules on the physicochemical properties of the biomimetic calcium-phosphate coating, and drug loading behavior of the biomimetic calcium-phosphate coating.
作者 朱晓晶 王焱
出处 《国际口腔医学杂志》 CAS 2014年第5期617-620,共4页 International Journal of Stomatology
基金 广东省自然科学基金(S2013010016060)
关键词 仿生沉积 钙磷涂层 钛合金 药物载体 药物释放 biomimetic deposition calcium-phosphate coating titanium titanium alloy drug carrier drug
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