
高校图书馆硕士点现状分析与研究 被引量:3

Situation Analysis and Research on Master Programs of University Library
摘要 通过网络调研、实地调研和文献调研方法,选取24家高校图书馆硕士点为调研对象,总结出高校图书馆硕士点授权现状——培养模式由联合培养向独立培养转变,学术型硕士点初现并入博士点或调整增列为MLIS。得出高校图书馆硕士生培养具有入学考试弱化数学科目、研究方向得到进一步凝炼、课程设置突出实务性和实用性、实习与实践环节突出等特点。最后,提出加强学科建设规划,完善导师梯队建设,提高学生学术能力,多设置实用性跨学科课程等建议。 This article investigates 24 master programs of university libraries by website visiting, field research and literature reviewing. The training mode of master is transferring from united training to independent training. The academic master training is expected to incorporate into PHD or adjust into MLIS. The master programs of university library are having characteristics, of weakening the math exam on the entrance test, further compacting the research direction, provisioning the practicable curriculums, and highlighting internship and practice. This article suggests that the master program of university library should strengthen subject construction plan, improve the tutor resource, advance the academic competence of students, and arrange more practical and interdisciplinary curriculum.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第15期87-93,110,共8页 Library and Information Service
基金 天津工业大学学位与研究生教育改革研究项目"基于创新环境下图书馆学应用型人才培养改革研究"(项目编号:YJS2-31)研究成果之一
关键词 高校图书馆 硕士点 图书馆学 情报学 university library master degree library science information science
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