北京空白空间WHITE SPACE BEIJING2014.06.14~2014.07.30卡尔维诺笔下的李奥尼亚是一座不断自我更新的城市,市民日复一日以崭新的着装和音乐迎接新一天,城市的昔日蜕变成重峦叠嶂的垃圾山,它和当代艺术一样,新形式建立在被摈弃的旧形式上。简策展览"投射"中的作品处处见山:《投影》在画布上排列着马克笔画的直线——它们组成规整的方格、以不同密度的直线填充格子里的三角形。
In Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities, Leonia is a constantly self-renewing city, its citizens starting each and every new day with a brand new set of items while the previous day's continuously pile up into gigantic mountains of rubbish. Contemporary art is like Leonia: new forms are continu- ously constructed upon the remnants of discarded older ones. In Jian Ce's "Projection," mountains are found ev- erywhere: in Aerial, an arrangement of straight lines drawn in marker pen form an orderly grid, and lines of different thicknesses pad out the triangles found therein.