目的观察甲钴胺对改善突发性耳聋患者耳鸣症状的疗效。方法运用前瞻分组对照研究的方法,取发病7 d内就诊且伴有耳鸣的突发性耳聋患者64例,按就诊先后顺序分为治疗组及对照组,两组均应用东菱克栓酶(DF-521)、丹参、地塞米松、辅酶A等常规药物治疗,治疗组加用甲钴胺注射液500μg肌注1次/d;对照组加用生理盐水注射液10 ml肌注1次/d。10 d为1个疗程,治疗2个疗程。疗程结束1个月后观察患耳耳鸣恢复情况。结果治疗组耳鸣恢复有效率为52.9%;对照组有效率为26.7%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论甲钴胺对改善突发性耳聋患者的耳鸣症状有明显效果。
Objective To make an observation on the effectiveness of Mecobalamine in the treatment of tinnitus symptoms caused by patients' sudden deafness. Methods In the prospective study, 64 patients, who suffered from sudden deafness accompanied with tinnitus and see a doctor within seven days, were randomized into trial group and control group according to their registration or- der. Both of the two groups were treated with regular medicines such as Batroxiobin ( DF-521 ) , salvia miltiorrhiza, Dexametha- sone, CoA, etc, Additionally, the trial group was injected with 500 p,g of Mecobalamine once per day while the control group was injected with 10 ml of normal saline once per day. One course of treatment lasted for ten days and two courses were required. One month after the completion of two courses, the recovery of the two groups were observed. Results The recovering rate of the trial group was 52.9% while that of the control group was 26.7%. The difference was statistically significant ( P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion Meeobalamine is obviously effective on the patients ' improvement in sudden deafness of and tinnitus symptoms.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers