
知识管理视角下食品安全危机应对能力评价体系的构建与应用——基于企业层面案例库的实证分析 被引量:2

Construction and Application of the Capability Evaluation System for Food Safety Crisis from the Perspective of Knowledge Management——Empirical Analysis based on Firm Level Case-Base
摘要 全媒时代的信息大爆炸、食品行业特殊的民生属性、消费者追求精致生活的基本趋向,以及日趋严格的各种规制意味着食品企业亟需从众多危机事件中吸取行业经验、积累专业知识、强化特色能力,以切实有效地应对冲击、保障生存和减少损失。本文立足国内食品安全危机频发的客观现实,援引危机管理、知识管理及其交叉研究方面相关理论成果,抓取2007年以来我国36家企业的60例企业层面的食品安全危机典型案例构建了案例库,基于该案例库"点面结合"地提炼汇总危机管理知识点,从危机应对知识掌握程度、危机应对实践能力两个维度构建可供操作的危机应对能力评价体系,实证发现案例库中企业的危机应对能力总体不容乐观,据此划分食品企业危机管理的五个等级,并就不同等级的企业分级应用危机管理策略提供对策建议。 The objective of this paper is to establish an operational crisis response capability evaluation system and use it to evaluate enterprises' crisis response capability in our case-base,and then give effective suggestions. This paper uses 60 typical food safety crisis cases,which come from 36 enterprises since 2007,to build a case-base,and refine crisis management knowledge by integrating point and sphere. Then it makes an empirical case study. One of the findings is the construction of an operational crisis response capability evaluation system,from the angle of crisis response knowledge and crisis response practical capability. Another finding is that 5 levels for food enterprise crisis management are divided and a set of crisis response strategies for each level of the enterprises are put forward. It is concluded that the enterprises in case-base are lack of crisis response capabilities. There are 3 aspects could be improved in the future. Firstly,the structure of case-base and evaluation index system could be optimized to be more completed so that more accurate and valuable knowledge can be generated. Secondly,the tools and channels of information collection need to be improved,especially the information about certain enterprise. Thirdly,focus point could be extended,suchas the promotion,protection,and regulation of governments and industries,to establish a safety-oriented system. The proposed operational crisis response capability evaluation system could help enterprises make an evalusation of current capability,draw lessons from crisis events,enhance abilities to cope with crisis,maintain business operation,and reduce losses. The crisis re-sponse strategies of 5 levels would provide enterprises with a better method to overcome existing weakness and progress to the advanced level. Combining the theories of crisis management,knowledge management,and related cross-over achievements together,this study starts from the overwhelming fact that food safety crises happen frequently in China,and constructs a new evaluation system based on case-base. Insights are provided to help enterprises become mature and strong,according to 5 levels of crisis management.
出处 《公共管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期81-90,142-143,共10页 Journal of Public Management
基金 上海社会科学规划项目(2011BGL003) 国家社会科学基金项目(11CTQ003)
关键词 知识管理 食品安全危机 评价体系 案例库 Knowledge Management,Food Safety Crisis,Evaluation System,Case-base
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