In order to accurately calculate the output power and estimate the average annual power generation of photovoltaic system, improye stability and security of grid-connected photovoha!c system, a calculating method called full-time fitting is developed for the photovohaic system output power. For those photovohaic arrays whose ambient parameters are not able to acquire directly, a mathematical model is established to calculate the PV output power based on the structure and working principle of the photovoltaic system and a full-time fitting of the local temperature and so- lar radiation. The average annual generation of photovoltaic system can be estimated at any solar irradiation level, ambient temperature, parameters of the photovohaic module by integrating the out- put power. Comparing calculating results with actual PV power plant project example, the estimation of power generation meets engineering requirements. The simulation results will provide a reference for system designers and decision makers of the photovoltaic power generation.
Renewable Energy Resources