
观点采择在内隐情绪加工中的调节作用 被引量:5

The Moderating Effect of Perspective Taking in Implicit Emotional Processing
摘要 观点采择对人们加工情绪具有明显的影响。已有研究发现人们对负性情绪信息存在加工偏向,且观点采择对外显情绪的加工具有调节作用。但观点采择如何影响内隐情绪的加工尚不清楚。为了考察观点采择对内隐情绪加工的影响,当前研究要求被试分别通过自我视角和他人视角完成情绪图片(中性图片和负性图片)的形状辨别任务,同时记录其脑电活动。成分分析的结果显示,与他人视角条件相比,自我视角条件下加工负性信息引发了更大的额部及中央的N200(180-220 ms)和顶区的LPC(267-567 ms)波幅。相位锁定的时频分析结果显示,刺激呈现后0 ms至300 ms时间窗口内,在自我视角条件下,负性信息的加工引发了显著增大的theta(4-8 Hz)节律的能量活动。成分分析和时频分析的结果均表明,自我视角条件对负性信息加工具有启动效应,他人视角条件则抑制了对负性信息的加工,说明观点采择对内隐情绪加工具有调节作用,反映了人不仅能够区分环境中潜在的危险信息,而且能通过观点采择区分自我与他人。 Perspective taking plays an clear role on processing emotional information. Existing studies have shown that emotional negativity bias and perspective taking's roles as moderators in pain empathy could be observed in the controlled processing stage (370-420 ms). However, emotional negativity bias only explains the differences in processing information of different emotional valence. Due to researchers' lack of concerns on perspective taking, the existing research could not explain how human beings understand their own emotions and other's emotions differently. Meanwhile, the findings of pain empathy did not effectively explain people's unconscious processing of negative emotion because most of the existing research only employed explicit experimental tasks. The effect of perspective taking on the implicit emotion empathy is unclear. The aim of this research is to explore the moderating effect of perspective taking in implicit emotional processing. In the present research, a 2 (perspective taking: self-perspective, others-perspective) × 2 (emotional valence negative, neutral) within-group design is employed. The task of the participants was to judge the shapes of the pictures with different emotional valance. Eighteen college students participated in the experiment with the data of 16 valid cases were achieved. The electroencephalogram (EEG) was continuously recorded from scalp electrodes using the 256-channel HydroCel Geodesic Sensor Net (Electrical Geodesics, Inc., Eugene, OR) while subjects were performing the tasks. Component analysis and spectral analysis are used to explore on negative emotion empathy in an implicit emotional processing task. The extracted mean amplitude and power data were then analyzed with repeated measures ANOVAs. The results showed that negative stimulus elicited an increased amplitude of N200 (180-220 ms) in the frontal and central electrodes and LPC (267-567 ms) in the central-parietal area under the self-perspective, but not the other-perspective condition. The result of phase-locked wavelet analysis showed that under the self-perspective condition, negative stimulus induced a significantly higher power of the theta rhythm (4-8 Hz) in the time-window from stimulus presentation to 300ms. Evidence from component and wavelet analysis showed that a priming effect could be observed when the subjects were processing negative information under the self-perspective condition. However, other-perspective inhibited the processing of negative information. Both findings supported that perspective-taking played a robust moderating effect on implicit emotion processing. Moreover, this moderating effect appears during the early stage of information processing. The findings of the present study showed that human not only can identify risk information in the environment, but also can distinguish self from others by perspective-taking.
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期1094-1102,共9页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金地区项目(31160204) 西北师范大学青年教师科研能力提升计划项目资助
关键词 观点采择 负性情绪 调节作用 EEG perspective-taking negative emotion moderating effect EEG
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