针对进口空间用FM08系列熔断器在空间低气压环境条件下出现的持续拉弧放电现象,以国产的空间飞行器用微型管状熔断体RSG-I-FFA系列熔断器为研究对象,进行了高电压低气压条件下熔断特性的验证试验。对164只样品进行了不同气压下的高电压大电流试验,试验结果表明,RSG-I-FFA系列熔断器在空间低气压高电压下能可靠熔断,熔断后熔断器外观完整,断点间阻抗大于100 kΩ,可以在空间飞行器上安全使用。
The FM08 series fuses were found to exhibit sustained arcing in Vacuum Environment . RSG-I-FFA series fuses produced in China were used to study the fusing characteristics in the same situation.164 samples were tested in different vacuum and high voltage environments .The test re-sults showed that RSG-I-FFA series fuses can fuse reliability in space vacuum and high voltage envi-ronment , the appearance of RSG-I-FFA series fuse is complete after fusing , and the impedance be-tween the two breakpoints is higher than 100 kΩ.RSG-I-FFA series fuses can be used reliability in high voltage and vacuum Environment .
Manned Spaceflight