Single plug buoyancy method was used to sink gas pipe, but space under the plug was small. With creasing depth of the gas hole, air under the plug had been compressed, then the buoyancy provided by air decreased too much to meet demand of sinking pipe. To increase the length of air column, temporary buoyancy plug was been made. This plug has been placed same depth of the single plug self - balancing method to sink pipe. A sealing plate was welded as temporary buoyancy plug, and this method also used upon empty pipe section to produce buoyancy. When the upon empty pipe's length reached designed length, concrete buoyancy plug was going to be installed. And air will be aerated into the empty pipe under the concrete plug, with the pressure increasing, the steel ball which was placed in the temporary buoyancy plug, exfoliated into mud. Air was aerated into space under the temporary buoyancy plug. Compared to single plug self - balancing buoyancy method, temporary buoyancy plug has increased length of air column, then the buoyancy produced by air was also increased. Implementation is that all steel pipe can be sinked only with one time aeration.
Sichuan Building Materials
gas drainage pipe
sinking pipe by self-balancing method
single plug
temporary buoyancy plug