为研究流固耦合作用对船用离心泵转子应力应变及模态的影响,该文以125clla-13型船用离心泵为研究对象,分别进行了非耦合和双向耦合瞬态非定常数值模拟,基于计算结果,对比了2种计算方式下最后一个旋转周期扬程的变化情况,重点分析了不同瞬态相位下单向和双向耦合方式对叶轮应力应变的影响,并在此基础上对基于流固耦合的转子模态进行了多相位分析。研究结果表明,各瞬态相位下双向耦合扬程预测值均比非耦合大,且双向耦合下波峰附近扬程预测值有局部波动;叶轮最大变形量位于后盖板上的流道出口边中间位置附近,最大应力值出现在叶轮出口后盖板与叶片背面交接处,各相位下双向耦合最大变形量和最大等效应力均大于单向耦合,流固耦合方式对叶轮应力应变有一定影响;叶轮最大变形量和最大等效应力位置及大小随瞬态相位变化而变化,叶轮流道中间区域扫过隔舌时,最大变形量出现极小值,且2种耦合方式下最大变形量位置变化不同,当叶片处在蜗壳第八断面附近区域时,最大等效应力出现极大值,2种耦合方式间最大变形量和最大等效应力的最大差值均出现在6°相位下,分别为0.17×10-5 m和0.296 MPa;流固耦合方式对转子模态的影响极小,瞬态相位不同,转子模态频率及振幅均出现一定幅度的脉动,最大频率脉动为0.9 Hz,最大振幅脉动为1.62 mm,均出现在第5阶模态处。该研究可为船用离心泵减振设计及结构优化提供参考。
In order to analyze the effect of fluid-structure interaction(FSI)on rotor stress-strain and modal in marine centrifugal pump, a 125clla-13 type marine centrifugal pump was chosen as the research object. The unsteady numerical simulations of uncoupling method and two-way coupling method were used in this paper. Based on the result of simulation, the variation of head in the last rotating cycle was compared between the two simulation methods. The later analysis was focused on the effect of one-way coupling method and two-way coupling method on impeller stress and strain under different transient phases, and further modal multi-phase analysis of rotor was conducted based on FSI. The results show that the predicted value of head with two-way coupling method is bigger than the value with uncoupling method under each transient phase, and there is a local fluctuation of predicted value near the peak of head. The maximum deformation of impeller is located at the back shroud and near the middle area of passage outlet. The maximum equivalent stress is at the border of back shroud and low pressure side of blade outlet, and both the values of impeller maximum deformation and maximum equivalent stress based on two-way coupling method are greater than the values based on one-way coupling method under each transient phase. It means that the styles of fluid-structure interaction have a certain affect on the impeller tress-strain. The position and value of impeller maximum deformation and maximum equivalent stress change with the transient phase. When the middle area of impeller passage sweeps across the tongue, a minimal value of maximum deformation appears, and different FSI methods have different effects on the position of impeller maximum deformation. A maximal value of maximum equivalent stress appears when the blade stays near the area of eighth section of volute, and both the maximal difference values of maximum deformation and maximum equivalent stress between the two methods of FSI appears at 6° phase. The maximal difference value of maximum deformation is 0.17×10-5 m, and the maximal difference value of maximum equivalent stress is 0.296 MPa. The difference of FSI methods has little impact on the rotor modal, but both modal frequency and amplitude of the rotor have a fluctuation in a certain range when transient phase changes, while the maximal fluctuation of frequency is 0.9 Hz, the maximal fluctuation of amplitude is 1.62 mm, and both of them are at the fifth order modal. The research results are useful for the vibration reduction design and structure optimization of the marine centrifugal pump.
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
oceanographic equipment
centrifugal pumps
modal analysis
fluid-structure interaction
multi-phase analysis