
负压控水下不同株型玉米水分利用效率和产量的盆栽试验 被引量:20

Experiment on water use efficiency and yield of different plant type of potted maize under negative pressure water control
摘要 干旱胁迫研究中的难点之一在于减少土壤水分波动对试验结果的影响。该研究采用负压供水盆栽装置,通过调节供水负压值精确控制土壤含水率,模拟土壤干旱胁迫,研究比较3种胁迫程度(无胁迫CK、轻度和重度胁迫)、2个胁迫时期(苗期、吐丝期)对不同株型玉米(小株型CF1002和大株型CF3330)的水分利用效率、生物量和产量的影响,旨在分析2种株型夏玉米对不同时期、程度干旱胁迫的响应差异。结果表明:随着苗期胁迫程度加重,CF1002的水分利用效率(water use efficiency,WUE)从3.24增至3.43,而CF3330的WUE从3.70降至3.25。吐丝期轻度干旱胁迫后CF1002和CF3330的WUE较CK分别降低2.7%和24.4%,吐丝期重度胁迫后,CF1002和CF3330的WUE较CK分别降低17.4%和57.1%。与CK相比,吐丝期轻度和重度干旱胁迫使小株型和大株型玉米胁迫期耗水量下降61.3%和62.5%,灌浆中期光合速率下降22.9%和54.3%,成熟期地上部干物质质量减少24.8%和38.0%,最终减产47.9%和71.5%,以上指标大株型玉米的降幅大于小株型玉米。在生育中后期,大株型玉米光合生产和蒸腾作用更易受干旱胁迫抑制,使物质生产和积累减少,水分消耗大幅下降。针对不同株型玉米在生育后期采用不同的水分管理策略有助于降低干旱造成的损失。 Drought can lead to yield reduction and is the predominant threat to maize production in China. This study compared responses of different plant types (small plant type CF1002 and large plant type CF3330) to drought stress in a pot experiment of soil water deficit. Three soil moisture treatment included no-stress (CK), mild and severe drought stress. A negative pressure water supply device was used for accurate water supply so as to minimize effect of variation in soil moisture on plant growth and yield. Water use efficiency (WUE), aboveground dry matter, leaf area, and yield and its components of maize were determined. Water consumption at the seedling and silking stages of maize, photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate at filling stage was calculated. The results showed that the WUE of CF1002 increased from 3.24 to 3.43 with increasing drought stress intensity at the seedling stage. In comparison, the WUE for CF3330 decreased from 3.70 to 3.25 under mild and severe drought stress at the seedling stage. Compared with the CK, the WUE of CF1002 and CF3330 was decreased by 2.7% and 24.4% under mild drought stress at the silking stage, and by 17.4% and 57.1% under severe drought stress at the silking stage. The mild and severe drought stress during silking stage decreased the water consumption of CF1002 and CF3330 by 61.3%and 62.5%, the photosynthetic rate of CF1002 and CF3330 by 22.9% and 54.3%, and the aboveground dry matter of CF1002 and CF3330 by 24.8% and 38.0%, thereby resulting in yield reduction by 47.9%and 71.5%, respectively. The decline of water consumption, photosynthetic rate, aboveground dry matter, and yield in CF3330 was higher than that in CF1002. The results above indicated that maize with large plant type (CF3330) was more sensitive to drought stress at the middle-late growth stage such as the silking stage than that of the small plant type. Photosynthesis and transpiration of CF3330 were susceptible to mild and severe drought stress, especially at the silking stage, leading to the reduction of aboveground dry matter production and accumulation as well as water consumption. The difference of CF1002 and CF3330in response of water consumption, yield and water use efficiency to drought stress at the early and late growth stage suggested the necessity of maize cultivation based on plant type. Therefore, optimal water management strategy based on plant type should be applied in the late growth stage after silking in order to reduce damage caused by drought stress.
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第15期148-156,共9页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 国家玉米产业体系(CARS-02-26) 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201203031) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(2009CB118602)
关键词 干旱 农作物 水分管理 株型 玉米 耗水 水分利用效率 drought crops water management plant type maize (Zea mays L.) water consumption water use efficiency
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