

Erosion-Resistance of Watershed Underlying Surface Simulation Model Based on LVQ and CA
摘要 针对黄土高原岔巴沟流域水土流失及土壤侵蚀时空演化模拟中存在的问题,运用GIS、RS、元胞自动机、数据库等技术理论,基于LVQ神经网络规则构建流域下垫面抗蚀力时空演化CA模型,建立并实现了下垫面抗蚀力因素数据库与模型系统。通过处理分析该流域1990年与2004年地形数据和遥感影像数据,得出其2018年下垫面抗蚀力时空演化数据。 Aiming at the problems existing in the space-time evolution simulation of soil erosion, using GIS, RS, cellular automaton and database technology, based on the underlying surface corrosion resistance CA model of space-time evolution, we built and realized a erosion-resistance of underlying surface factor database and model system in this paper. Through processing the topographic data and remote sensing image data of 1990 and 2004, the space-time evolution data in 2018 was provided.
出处 《地理空间信息》 2014年第4期69-71,74,共4页 Geospatial Information
基金 国家科技支撑计划重点资助项目(2006BAB06B01-07)
关键词 流域 下垫面抗蚀力 GIS CA 神经网络 watershed,erosion-resistance of underlying surface,GIS,CA,neural networks
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