
纤维素纤维接枝无机粒子的制备及其热稳定性的研究 被引量:1

Preparation of Inorganic Particle Grafted Cellulose Fibre and its Thermostability
摘要 为了提高纤维素纤维的热稳定性,利用原位溶胶-凝胶法分别将纳米二氧化硅接枝到纤维素纤维上及利用环氧基团和羟基的反应将环氧丙基苯基多面体低聚倍半硅氧烷(GlyPh7POSS)接枝纤维素纤维上,制得无机纳米粒子改性纤维素纤维。红外结果表明,两种纳米粒子分别成功地接枝到了纤维素纤维上。扫描电镜能谱分析结果表明,GlyPh7POSS接枝纤维素纤维中硅元素质量分数仅为1.3%,而二氧化硅接枝纤维素纤维的硅元素质量分数为8.5%。热重分析结果表明GlyPh7POSS分数接枝纤维素纤维的热稳定性并未得到改善;二氧化硅接枝纤维素纤维的热稳定性得到改善,其初始分解温度在氮气和空气中分别提高了18℃和16℃,残炭量也有增加。 In order to improve the thermal stability of cellulose fibers,sol-gel silica was grafted and coated on to the cellulose fibers and GlyPh7POSS was grafted to the cellulose fibers utilizing the reaction between oxirane ring and the hydroxyl group of cellulose.FTIR and SEM results showed the two particles were successfully grafted to the cellulose fibers and it showed 1.3 wt% and 8.5 wt% silicon in GIyPh7POSS grafted cellulose fibers and silica grafted cellulose fibers,respectively.Thermal gravimetric analysis showed that the thermal stability of the GlyPh7POSS grafted cellulose fibers was not improved,while the thermal stability of silica coated cellulose fibers was improved with the initial decomposition temperature increased by 18 ℃ and 16 ℃ in nitrogen and air,respectively.And the char also increased.
出处 《塑料工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期113-117,共5页 China Plastics Industry
关键词 纤维素纤维 溶胶-凝胶二氧化硅 环氧丙基苯基多面体低聚倍半硅氧烷 热稳定性 Cellulose Fibers Sol-gel Silica GlycidylPhenyl POSS Thermal Stability
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