经典的铬法分析化学需氧量(COD)时间较长,对外排(排入污水处理厂)或适时监测的样品,有一定局限性。快速消解比色法分析速度较快,对COD较高的样品分析结果准确可靠,但对COD含量小于100 mg/L的样品,快速消解比色法结果同经典的GB 11914-89铬回流法存在显著差异。通过对快速消解比色法进行改进,降低重铬酸钾标准溶液浓度,获得稳定、准确、可靠的测量结果。
The potassium dichromate method (GB 11914-89) as a typical method to determine COD value has limitation for real-time monitoring waste samples, due to its longer test time. Fast digestion-colori- metric method is more accurate and rapid when employed to determine high COD samples, while its results appear in a significant difference with the classic potassium dichromate method when applied to below 100 mg/L COD samples. Therefore, the fast digestion-colorimetric method was modified, through reducing the concentration of potassium dichromate solution, and the stable, accurate and reliable results were obtained for testing low COD samples.
West Leather