
Multi-objective Genetic Optimization for LCLS-II X-ray FEL

Multi-objective Genetic Optimization for LCLS-II X-ray FEL
摘要 The LCLS-II (linac coherent light source II) will build on the success of the world's most powerful X-ray laser: the LCLS (linac coherent light source). It will add two new X-ray laser beams and room for additional new instruments, thus greatly increasing the number of experiments carried out each year. Multiple operation modes are proposed to accommodate a variety of user requirements. There are a large number of variables and objectives in the design. For each operation mode, MOGA (multi-objective genetic algorithm) is applied to optimize the machine parameters in order to minimize the jitters, energy spread, collective effects and emittance.
出处 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第8期632-638,共7页 机械工程与自动化(英文版)
关键词 MOGA OPTIMIZATION FEL (free-electron laser). 多目标遗传算法 X射线激光器 直线加速器 相干光源 遗传优化 自由电子激光 操作模式 MOGA
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