
克罗恩病肠梗阻的外科治疗 被引量:8

Surgical management of bowel obstruction caused by Crohn’s disease
摘要 克罗恩病是一种需用内科药物控制的疾病,病变肠壁长期炎症反应并纤维化导致肠梗阻是克罗恩病最常见的手术原因.近年来克罗恩病的相关基础研究、诊断与治疗都取得了巨大进步.外科医师应与胃肠内科、内镜、影像科、病理科等多学科医师合作,严格把握克罗恩病肠梗阻的手术适应证和手术时机,熟悉其外科治疗原则,积极应用损伤控制外科、快速康复外科和腹腔镜手术等新理念、新原则和新技术,对提高克罗恩病肠梗阻的外科治疗效果十分重要. Treatment for Crohn’s disease usually involves medication,however,with chronic intestinal inflammation,damaged intestine become fibrotic and finally resulted in bowel obstruction,which need surgical management.In recent years,the basic research,diagnosis and treatment of Crohn’s disease have made tremendous progress.Under the new treatment strategies and technical conditions,surgical technologies and concepts for bowel obstruction caused by Crohn’s disease have been markedly changed.Surgeons should cooperate with clinicians from the departments of gastroenterology,endoscopy,imaging examination and pathology,and the indications and timing for surgical treatment should be strictly controlled.Damage control surgery,fast track surgery and laparoscopic surgical techniques have also been commonly used,which are effective for improving the efficacy of surgical treatment of bowel obstruction caused by Crohn’s disease.
作者 李元新
出处 《中华消化外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期596-599,共4页 Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery
关键词 克罗恩病 肠梗阻 外科手术 Crohn&#39 s disease Bowel obstruction Surgical procedure,operative
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