以湖南省长株潭地区24个环境空气质量监测国控点数据为基础,对2013年6月~8月持续高温干旱天气条件下,长株潭地区城市PM25浓度的日、月变化规律,以及点位差异性分布等进行分析.结果表明,进入夏季持续高温干旱天气后,PM2.5质量浓度较冬季显著下降.受人为活动影响,位于商业区的监测站点的PM2.5较其他站点高;不同城市PM2.5的日变化规律基本一致,呈双峰型;夏季PM2.5上午出现最高值的时间比冬季提前1h左右,商业区站点的PM2.5最高值出现的时间较其他类型站点早1~2 h.非工作日PM2.5的峰值出现在夜间和凌晨,而工作日则出现在上午9~11点.
Based on the automatic data from 24 state-controlled ambient air quality monitoring sites in Chang-Zhu-Tan area of Hunan Province, this paper analyzed daily and monthly variation of PM2.5 concentration, and the variation in different sites distribution of urban Chang-Zhu-Tan from June to August in 2013. The results showed that the value of PM2.5 decreased significantly in sustained hot and droughty weather in summer than that in winter. Influenced by human activity, the value of PM2.5 of commercial sites was higher than that of other sites. The daily variation of the maximum value of PM2.5 was relatively consistent with that in different cities, which was double-peak type. The maximum value of PM/.5 in summer morning was about 1 h earlier comparing with that in winter. In addition, the maximum value of PM2.5 in commercial sites was i h - 2 h earlier than that in other sites. In non-work days, the maximum value of PM2.5 had reached at midnight or wee hours, while at 9am - 11am in working days.
Sichuan Environment