随着北京市昌平区社会和经济的发展,地下水的需求量日益增加,过量开采导致地下水位持续下降。在对北京市昌平区水文地质条件分析基础上,基于GIS技术分析了地下水位的年内变化、年际变化以及地下水位动态的空间分布特征和变化规律。结果表明昌平区地下水2001—2011年,年内变化较大,总体上与多年年内变化一致;年际变化较大,呈不断增加的趋势。昌平区2011年的平原区松散孔隙浅层地下水位埋深最大为89.8 m,最小为2.0 m左右;与2001年相比水位埋深普遍增大,平均地下水位埋深较2001年增加了12.55 m,降深最高达到22.0 m,年均降速为1.1 m。平原区中部和东部开采强度大,地下水位降深较大,而山区以及山前平原一带开采力度小,水位降深不大,部分地区有回升趋势。
With the development of economy in Changping district, the demand for groundwater is increasing, the groundwater level continued to decline due to the over-exploitationbased on the analysis of hydro- geological conditions in Changping district. The article analyzes the annual change in groundwater level, inter-annual variability and dynamic spatial distribution of groundwater based on GIS. The results showed groundwater level changes a lot during a year, which is also generally consistent with the changes for many years; the annual variation showed a rising trend; the shallow groundwater level inplain loose pores in 2011 is up to 89.8m, a minimum of about 2.0m; which is generally increasing compared with that in 2001, the average groundwater depth increased 12.55m compared with that in 2001, the maximum drawdown is 22.0m, the average deceleration is 1.1m. The groundwater drawdownincentral and eastern areas of plains is largerbecause of mining, while thedrawdown in mountains and piedmont areas is small, some areas had risin~ trend
Beijing Water
Changping district groundwater level GIS spatial distribution