
21世纪以来世界猕猴桃产业发展以及中国猕猴桃贸易与国际竞争力分析 被引量:78

Development of Kiwifruit Industry in the World and Analysis of Tradeand International Competitivenessin China Entering 21st Century
摘要 进入21世纪以来,世界和中国的猕猴桃生产、贸易和竞争力都有了新的变化。笔者以世界粮农组织(FAO)数据和相关文献为基础,分析了猕猴桃生产和发展情况以及中国猕猴桃贸易和竞争力。世界猕猴桃的收获面积和产量持续增加,中国猕猴桃产业得到了迅速发展,栽培面积和产量均居世界第一。单产与新西兰相比存在较大的差距。世界和中国猕猴桃的进口和出口呈现平稳增长态势,但是中国猕猴桃进口量和进口额远大于出口量和出口额。中国猕猴桃出口竞争力很差甚至极差水平上,在国际猕猴桃果市场上中国出口猕猴桃果品质中等偏低。针对中国猕猴桃生产和贸易中存在的问题,本研究提出了改善中国猕猴桃产业发展和提高国际竞争力的措施。 Kiwifruit production, trade and competitiveness in China and the world had taken a new look science entering the 21st century. In this paper, kiwifruit production and development of the world situation, and trade and competitiveness of kiwifruit in china were analyzed based on the data from the FAO and related documents. Area harvested and production of kiwifruit in the world were increasing continued entering 21st century. Kiwifruit industry had been rapid development in China, and cultivation area and production were rank first in the world. Kiwifruit yield of China had huge gap compared to that of New Zealand. Imports and exports of kiwifruit in the world and China kept steady growth entering 21st century, however, the amount and money of imports kiwifruit in China were much larger than those of exports. The level of Chinese kiwifruit export competitiveness was poor or even very poor. The kiwifruit quality of china export was medium to low. Aiming at the problems in kiwifruit production and trade, the countermeasures of improving kiwifrnit production in China and strengthening its international competitiveness were discussed.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2014年第23期48-55,共8页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 江苏省科技支撑计划"优质 大果猕猴桃新品种选育"(BE2012338) 江苏省农业科技自主创新资金项目"猕猴桃生态高效栽培技术集成模式创新与示范"[CX(13)4044] 江苏省丘陵山区农业综合科技示范项目"猕猴桃优良品种高效栽培技术示范与推广"
关键词 猕猴桃 生产 贸易 竞争力 建议 kiwifruit production trade competitiveness suggestions
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