
人为灾害的经济评析——以技术灾害为视角 被引量:2

The Economic Analysis on Man-made Disasters—From the Perspective of Technological Disasters
摘要 人为灾害与自然灾害相对,是因人为致灾因子或相关主体脆弱性而引发的灾害。技术灾害是人为灾害主要形式之一。技术灾害的研究经历了从注重相关主体脆弱性(即灾害原因)到构建相关主体韧性(即应灾措施)的两个阶段。从经济学角度分析,人类需求与技术选择是技术灾害发生的根源;而企业经济利益动机则是导致技术灾害的主要人为原因。除此之外,经济集聚效应和贫困也是影响技术灾害风险的重要因素。"树立科学经济发展观、构建相关主体韧性"是减灾的基本策略。 Compared with natural disasters, man-made disasters are those, which are induced by man-made hazards or the related institutions’ vulnerabilities. Technological disasters are one of the main forms of man-made disasters. The study on technological disasters has experienced two stages, from focusing on the relevant institutions’ vulnerabilities (reasons of di-sasters) to constructing the relevant institutions’ resilience (measures to respond to disasters) . From an economic perspec-tive, Human needs and technology choice are the root causes of technological disasters, and the corporate economic motiva-tion is the main man-made disasters inducement of technological disasters. In addition,economic agglomeration effect and pov-erty are also the important factors related to the risk of technological disasters. The basic strategy for disaster reduction is to es-tablish the scientific outlook of economic development and build the relevant institutions’resilience.
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2014年第9期154-161,共8页 East China Economic Management
基金 山东行政学院院级调研课题(dy201107)
关键词 技术灾害 脆弱性 韧性 经济分析 technological disaster vulnerability resilience economic analysis
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