
走向开敞的、参与式的和创造性的旅游体验 被引量:1

Towards Open,Participatory and Creative Travel Experience
摘要 本文立足旅游体验研究的基本问题,探讨体验什么以及如何体验,重新阐释旅游体验的对象、途径以及所涉及的一些普遍性问题进行。发现旅游体验更多地体现为一种环境体验,这种环境是一个感知体,是由一系列体验构成的体验综合体。通过对艺术途径、参与途径以及认知途径的理论反思,尝试从经验、理论和叙事三方面建构开敞的、参与式的和创造性的旅游体验。 A basic topic of the research on travel experience is about to experience what and how to experience. Take this as a starting point, this paper re-interpreted the objects, approaches of travel experience and the universality involved. Then, it discovered that travel experience is a kind of ambient experience, which is a perceptual system and an experience chain consists of a series of experience. By analyzing Art Way, Participatory Way and Cognitive Way,the paper tried constructing open, participatory and creative travel experience from empiricism, theory and narrative: Firstly, advocating open and multiple perceptual structures rather than the traditional audio-visual perceptual of structure; secondly, toward participatory empiricism rather than a traditional aesthetics metaphysical discourse; thirdly, making experience description a gap filling between experience and theory. Finally, this paper pointed out that the universality of travel experience can be based on the unification of diversities of esthesia.
机构地区 聊城大学 云南大学
出处 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期52-56,共5页 Qinghai Journal of Ethnology
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(11YJCZH105) 山东省艺术科学重点课题(201002020) 聊城大学社科基金项目(201106011)阶段性成果之一
关键词 旅游体验 感知联觉 经验描述 Travel Experience Synesthesia Experience Description
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