
外语专业学习改变刻板印象 被引量:1

Does Foreign Language Learning Change Stereotypes
摘要 以256名外语专业及非外语专业大学生为受试,调查他们对中国人、美国人、德国人以及日本人的刻板印象,运用刻板印象内容模型对数据进行对比分析。实验结果表明:外语专业受试与非外语专业受试对中国人的内群偏好相当。此外,德语专业及日语专业受试对各自的目的语宗主国国民表现出一定程度的偏好;但没有发现英语专业受试对美国人的偏好。 The paper investigated the impression about Chinese,Americans,Germans and Japanese stereotyped by 256 undergraduate students and analyzed the data in term of stereotype content model.A primary finding is that individuals of foreign-language majors and of other majors exhibit comparable amounts of in-group bias toward Chinese.Furthermore,the results indicate that participants of German major and of Japanese major exhibit greater bias respectively toward Germans and Japanese.However,it is not found out that English majors show bias toward American.
出处 《高教发展与评估》 CSSCI 2014年第4期103-110,120,共8页 Higher Education Development and Evaluation
基金 教育部人文社科研究规划项目"中德跨文化语篇中他者与自我的互融建构"(09YJA740061)
关键词 外语专业 社会化 跨文化 社会认同 刻板印象 foreign-language majors socialization intercultural social identity stereotype
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