
基于不对称式TSF的开关磁阻电动机转矩脉动抑制 被引量:5

Torque Ripple Reduction of Switched Reluctance Motor Based on the Asymmetry TSF
摘要 开关磁阻电动机(SRM)通常使用固定的转矩分配函数(TSF)实现对转矩的控制,典型的TSF有线性、余弦和立方型TSF曲线。在分析典型转矩分配函数抑制脉动的局限性的基础之上,提出了一种不对称式的转矩分配方法,建立了基于不对称转矩分配函数的转矩脉动抑制系统。最后,以某型开关磁阻电动机为例开展了仿真研究,结果证实该方法可以有效地减小SRM的输出转矩脉动。 In the conventional way for torque ripple reduction,three typical types of torque sharing function were applied.TSF was emploed in linear,cosine or cubic function.Based on analyzing the limitation of typical TSF for torque ripple reduction,an asymmetric type torque distribution method was presented.A torque ripple reduction model was introduced based on the method.With a certain type of SRM as an example,further simulation research was developed.Simulation results verify that this method can effectively decrease the output torque ripples of SRM.
机构地区 空军工程大学
出处 《微特电机》 北大核心 2014年第8期86-89,共4页 Small & Special Electrical Machines
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51377041) 安徽省教育厅重点项目(KJ2011A217) 国家大学生创新训练项目(201210359015)
关键词 开关磁阻电动机 转矩脉动 转矩分配函数 不对称转矩分配 switched reluctance motor torque ripple torque sharing function (TSF) asymmetry torque sharing
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