
我国失业保险金标准及支付研究——基于北京市的实证 被引量:2

China unemployment insurance standard and payment research——demonstration based on Beijing city
摘要 失业保险制度具有保障失业者基本生活、促进就业和预防失业的基本功能。通过对北京市失业保险金水平及支付的研究发现,目前北京市失业保险金存在水平较低、保险基金支出相对较窄和失业保险金支付模式单一等问题。因此,本文主张以需要和激励为基本原则,构建起与社平工资、最低工资及城镇居民基本生活费用价格指数相关联的失业保险金标准决定机制,并建议采用失业保险金递减支付模式,进一步扩大失业保险基金支出范围,从而促进我国失业保险制度更好更快地发展。 The unemployment insurance system has to protect the basic livelihood of the unemployed, the promotion of employment and the basic functions of pre- venting unemployment. Through the level of unemploy- ment insurance and the payment of the unemployment in- surance system in Beijing found that currently exist lower level of unemployment insurance benefits, the insurance fund expenditure is relatively narrow and unemployment insurance payment mode single issues. Therefore, this paper advocates the need and motiva- tion for the basic principles and build the social av- erage wage, unemployment insurance and minimum wage standards determine the mechanism of urban residents basic living expenses associated with the price index, and suggested diminishing unemployment insurance pay- ment mode, further expand the scope of the unemployment insurance fund expenditures, thereby promoting our un- employment insurance system better and faster develop- ment.
作者 李燕荣 谢婕
机构地区 北京物资学院
出处 《特区经济》 2014年第8期38-40,共3页 Special Zone Economy
基金 北京市教委科技创新平台"现代人力资源管理方法与技术"(PXM2013 014214 000058) 北京市教委科技创新平台"现代人力资源管理方法与技术"(PXM2014_014214_000083)资助成果
关键词 失业保险金 就业促进 失业保险制度 北京 unemployment insurance Employment promo-tion The unemployment insurance system Beijing
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