
11款市售防晒产品的防晒指数SPF值仪器测定研究 被引量:5

Evaluation of Eleven Commercial Sun-Protection Cosmetics with SPF-290S Analyzer System
摘要 以SPF-290S分析仪对11款市售防晒产品的防晒力进行测试,研究仪器测试值与产品标定防晒指数值的相关性。通过研究防晒系数分析仪SPF-290S测定SPF值过程中的影响因素,确定体外仪器测定防晒指数的测试条件,以研究包括乳液、喷雾、膏霜、泡沫等不同剂型的11个测定样本的防晒指数与宣称的SPF标定值的相关关系。结果发现,在固定涂布量为2μL/cm2、涂布后放置成膜时间为20 min时,用SPF-290S测得11个市售防晒样品中有9个样品的防晒指数与宣称的SPF标定值相符,总符合率为81.81%。研究结果表明在规范测定条件下,仪器测定法可以快速又简便地测试防晒产品的SPF值。 In order to evaluate the relativity of measured SPF value of 11 commercial sun-protection cosmetics with their labe- ling value, SPF 290S analyzer system was used to measure the SPF value. To optimize the analytic conditions under different applying dose, applying period (storage time), film-forming time, the analysis process was used to standardize the SPF 290S analyzer system. Eleven commercial sun-protection cosmetics in forms of lotion, spray, cream and foam were determined under the optimized condition of SPF-290S analyzer system. The results showed that the optimized analytic conditions were at dose of 2 μL/cm^2 and 20 minutes of storage time. The total accordance rate was 81.81% between labeled SPF and values determined by SPF-290S analyzer system. Under strict and optimized condition, in vitro analysis such as SPF-290S analyzer system, can be used to determine the SPF value of sun protection products quickly and effectively.
出处 《香料香精化妆品》 CAS 2014年第4期32-34,37,共4页 Flavour Fragrance Cosmetics
关键词 紫外线 防晒化妆品 防晒指数 ultraviolet rays sunscreen products sun protection factor(SPF)
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