首创一种新型的脑电检测技术。将多路ERP脑电信号分别经各自的前置放大电路、模/数转换电路进行采样和A/D转换,形成多路并行数据流,最后经数据汇集装置汇集成一路高速串行数据流,再经光纤介质传输到计算机进行分析处理。采用该技术的脑电检测装置可以满足对多路ERP脑电信号同时进行高速率(10 kHz每通道)、高精度(24 bit)采样的要求。软硬件测试表明,该装置具有稳定性好、抗干扰能力强、频带范围宽等特点。
This paper gave a new EEG detection technique . Each channel ERP EEG got sampling and A/D conversion by preamplifier circuit and analog-to-digital conversion circuit , and formed multi-channel parallel data , which were finally combined into a high-speed serial data streams by data gathering device . Then these data streams were transmitted to a computer via a fiber-optic for analysis and processing . The EEG detection device using this technology can meet requirements of multi-channel ERP EEG high rate ( 10 kHz per channel ) and high precision ( 24 bit ) sampling . The hardware and software tests show that the device has good stability , strong anti-interference ability and wide band range .
Microcomputer & Its Applications