将正弦函数变换和 Lagrange 插值法相结合,对 GM(1,1)模型的原始数据和背景值同时进行优化,使用优化的 GM(1,1)模型对2003年-2012年建筑业总产值进行了实证研究,研究结果说明了该优化模型具有高精度性,拓广了 GM(1,1)的使用范围。
The GM(1,1)model raw data and background values were optimized by combining sine function transformation and Lagrange interpolation. Then the model was applied to the empirical research of the total output value of construction industry from 2003 to 2012. The result shows that the model has a better accuracy. It broadens the scope of application of GM(1,1)model.
Shanxi Architecture