为了选取最优的仿生草高度和铺设长度,使其更好的应用于滩海海底管线的防护,通过物理模型试验,选取不同的草高、水深、波浪要素和水流速度并测量仿生草前后波高、仿生草内部波浪质点水平速度和仿生草内不同测点的水流速度来分析仿生草的消浪特性和缓流作用的影响规律。试验结果表明:仿生草的消浪特性与草的高度和铺设长度成正比;消浪过程中,波浪作用于仿生草铺设段时,草叶的前后摆动降低了仿生草对海床面的遮蔽效果。仿生草的缓流作用与水深存在一定关系,试验得出在草高为1.25 m,水深为4 m的情况下,仿生草缓流作用最好。
The purpose of this study is to select the optimum bionic grass height and planting length ,so that it can be better applied to protect the sea pipelines in costal waters .Through physical model tests ,the influence laws of wave dissipation characteristics and velocity slowing effects of bionic grass were analysed by selecting different grass height ,water depth ,wave elements and flow velocity .The wave height ,wave particle horizontal velocity in the grass and the flow velocity of different points in the grass were measured in the front and at the back of the bionic grass plantation .The test results showed that the wave dissipation characteristics of bionic grass was in proportional to grass height and length .During the wave dissipation process ,when the waves struck on the planted bionic grass ,the shading effect of the seabed surface was reduced by the swinging of the bionic grass .A certain relationship existed between the flow velocity and water depth . The Experiment results indicate that ,the optimum effects of weakening the flow velocity can be achieved when the planted bionic grass height is 1 .25 m and water depth is 4 m .
Journal of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering
bionic grass
effection of weaking velocity of flow
wave absorbing
submarine pipeline