A Study on the Distances of Small Mobile Robot Moves towards Infants
A Study on the Distances of Small Mobile Robot Moves towards Infants
In recent years, it is remarkable that various robots are being developed, and the development of robot technology is beginning to be taken into an actual living space. There are still many questions that we will have to answer for the harmonization of living together with a robot. This study is focused on "the study of how to plan and design a living space in harmonizing with robots", and focused on the effects of infants (subjects) along with the distance between robots and themselves. The study is to seek for the minimum distance for the subjects who felt that "I do not want a robot to be any closer being approached to me". This experiment was conducted among 30 infants at the kindergarten, utilizing a small experimental robot. A small robot whose dimension is 120 mm (W) ×130 mm (D) × 70 mm (H), approaching infants as is to see if it would make any differences to the infant's reactions.
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