目的 探讨鼻内镜洗镜器辅助下等离子消融术治疗儿童OSAHS的临床效果。方法 选择经多道睡眠呼吸监测(poly smnography,PSG)证实的3~11岁OSAHS儿童120例,经采集病史、体检后,进行咽、喉部检查,了解上气道病变情况;鼻内镜洗镜器辅助下等离子消融术后6个月随访,观察鼾症改善情况。结果 OSAHS儿童行鼻内镜洗镜器辅助下等离子消融术治疗后。术后6个月随访,120例中,术后鼾声基本消失60例,明显好转40例,睡眠打鼾同前者5例。结论 OSAHS儿童主要因腺样体、扁桃体的肥大致气道阻塞,临床上应积极治疗。另外,鼻内镜洗镜器辅助下等离子消融术治疗OSAHS腺样体、扁桃体肥大是一种安全有效的方法。
Objective To explore curative effect of treatment for children with obstructive sleep apnea hyponea syndrome with coblation under noseendoscope and instrument for washing endoscopic. Methods One hundred and twenty children aged from 3 to 11, diagnosed as OSAHS with the polysomnography were selected to under go the examination of pharynx, laryngeal after medical history collecting and clinical examination, findings of upper airway pathological changes could be obtained. 120 cases were followed up after coblation, and improvement of snoring was observed. Results After adenotonsillectomy, 120 cases were followed up, among 120 remaining cases,5 cases still had snoring, while 60 cases completely disappeared, 40 cases disappeared Partly. Conclusion Adenotonsillar hypertrophy mainly leads to increasing obstructive upper airway resistance in children OSAHS, and children with OSAHS need active treatment. The other, the treatment of adenotonsillectomy for children with obstructive sleep apnea hyponea syndrome with coblation under nose-endoscope and instrument for washing endoscopic is a safe and effective method.
Guide of China Medicine