
河南省2012年扩大国家免疫规划疫苗接种率调查 被引量:14

A Survey of National Immunization Program Vaccines Coverage Rates in Henan Province in 2012
摘要 目的了解河南省1~2岁儿童扩大国家免疫规划(National Immunization Program,NIP)疫苗的接种情况。方法在全省所辖的168个县(市、区)2600个乡(镇、街道、社区,下同)开展调查,每个乡抽取1岁、2岁儿童各10名,采用统一问卷,调查NIP疫苗各剂次的接种情况和未接种原因。核对预防接种证、预防接种登记册和儿童预防接种信息管理系统(Child Immunization Information Management System,CIIMS)三种预防接种记录,三者一致判断为接种,任何一种预防接种记录缺失或空白判定为未接种。结果卡介苗(Bacilli Calmette-Guérin Vaccine,BCG)、3剂乙型肝炎疫苗(Hepatitis B Vaccine,HepB3)、3剂口服脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫苗(Oral Poliomyelitis Attenuated Live Vaccine,OPV3)、3剂白喉-破伤风-百日咳疫苗(Diphtheria,Tetanus and Pertussis Combined Vaccine;DPT3)、第1剂含麻疹成分疫苗(Measles-containing Vaccine,MCV1)的接种率分别是95.15%、93.52%、93.45%、93.20%、92.32%。第4剂DPT(DPT4)接种率、第2剂MCV(MCV2)接种率分别为79.47%和83.36%。新纳入NIP疫苗,第1剂A群脑膜炎球菌多糖疫苗(Group A Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine,MPV-A1)、第1剂流行性乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗(Japanese Encephalitis Attenuated Lived Vaccine,JEV-L1)、甲型肝炎减毒活疫苗(Hepatitis A Attenuated Lived Vaccine,HepA-L)接种率分别为90.79%、90.66%、80.53%,第2剂MPV-A(MPV-A2)、第2剂JEV-L(JEV-L2)接种率分别为84.55%、75.47%。预防接种证、预防接种登记册、CIIMS三种预防接种记录一致率90.54%。63.63%的未接种原因是"预防接种信息不一致判断为未接种",其次是"孩子患病未接种"、"监护人忘记要接种疫苗"和"其他"原因,分别占9.96%、9.91%和8.15%。结论河南省适龄儿童BCG、HepB3、OPV3、DPT3、MCV1接种率均〉92%,但MCV2、DPT4比基础免疫(初次接种)的接种率低,新纳入NIP疫苗的接种率尚有提升的空间。部分儿童的预防接种信息在预防接种证、预防接种登记册和CIIMS中记录不一致。儿童患病、家长忘记接种疫苗等是主要的未接种原因。 Objective To determine coverage rates of national immunization program (NIP) vaccines for children aged 1 -2 years. Methods We randomly selected 10 children in each of 2 age groups (1-and 2-year-olds) from 2,600 towns (streets) in 168 counties (cities, districts) in Henan province. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire and by examining vaccination certificates, vaccination cards, and Children' s Immunization Information Management System (Information System) records to determine children's immunization histories and reasons for being unvaccinated. If the three vaccination records were consistent and indicated vaccination, we determined that the child had been vaccinated with the spe- cific vaccines indicated. Otherwise, if there were any vaccinations missing, then the child would becounted as unvaccinated for a given vaccine. Results Coverage rates for Bacilli Calmette- Guerin vaccine (BCG), the third dose of Hepati- tis B vaccine ( HepB3), the third dose of oral pol- iomyelitis attenuated live vaccine (OPV3), the third dose of diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis combined vaccine (DPT3) , the first dose of measles-containing vaccine ( MCV1 ) were 95.15% ,93.52%, 93.45% , 93.20, and 92. 32%, respectively. Coverage rates for the fourth dose of DPT (DPT4) and the second dose of MCV (MCV2) were 79.47% and 83, 36% , respectively. For vaccines that had been integrated into Expanded Program on Immunization ( EPI), coverage rates for the first dose of group A meningocoecal polysaeeharide vaccine ( MPV-A1 ) , the first dose of Japanese encephalitis attenuated live vaccine (JEV-L1), and hepatitis A attenuated live vaccine (HepA-L) were 90.79%, 90.66%, and 80. 53%, respectively. Coverage rates for the second dose of MPV-A (MPV-A2) and JEV-L (JEV-L2) were 84. 55% and 75.47% , respectively. A total of 90. 54% of vaccination certificates, vaccination cards, and records in the Information System were consistent. Among the reasons of being unvaccinated, 63.63% were "vaccination records were inconsistent," followed by "children got sick ," "ehil- dreng guardians forgot to take children get vaccinated," and "others", accounting for 9.96% ,9.91%, and 8.15% , respectively. Conclusions Coverage rates for BCG, HepB3, OPV3, DPT3, and MCV1 were higher than 92%, but the coverage rates of MGV2 , DPT4 coverage were lower than for the initial doses. Coverage rates for new vaccines integrated into NIP since 2008 are expected to be improved. Some ehildreng immunization records from vaccination certificates, vaccination cards and the information system were inconsistent. The main reasons that children were unvaccinated were " children got sick" and "guardians forgot to take children for vaccination. "
出处 《中国疫苗和免疫》 CAS 2014年第4期335-339,共5页 Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization
基金 2011年度河南省卫生政策研究重点课题(编号:YWZYZ2011018)
关键词 扩大国家免疫规划 疫苗 接种率 The national expanded program on immunization Vaccine Coverage
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