
直觉模糊优先有序加权距离算子及其在多属性群决策中的应用 被引量:6

Intuitionistic Fuzzy Prioritized Ordered Weighted Distance Operator and Its Application in Multi-attribute Group Decision-making
摘要 在一些多属性群决策问题中,属性间可能存在一定的优先等级,因此在决策过程中有必要考虑属性间的优先关系。本文首先基于COWA算子定义了一种新的直觉模糊值间的距离。其次,基于属性间的优先关系,利用直觉模糊值的熵值给出多属性群决策问题中关联权重的计算方法。为了解决具有优先级的直觉模糊多属性群决策问题,定义了直觉模糊优先有序加权距离(IFPOWD)算子,并且提出了基于IFPOWD算子的多属性群决策方法。最后,运用实例证明了方法的有效性。 In some multi-attribute group decision-making problems, there exist prioritization relationships among the attributes of decision making, therefore it is necessary to consider the priority attribute in the decision-making. Firstly, we define a new intuitionistic fuzzy distance which is based on COWA operator. Secondly, the method of determining the weighting vector related with the operator is formulated based on the priority relationship and the entropy of intuitionistic fuzzy values. In order to solve the prioritized multi-attribute group decision-making problem under intuitionistic fuzzy environment, we define the intuitionistic fuzzy prioritized ordered weighted distance (IFPOWD) operator. A novel method for prioritized multi-attribute group decision-making problem under intuitionistic fuzzy environment utilizing the IFPOWD operator is developed. Finally, a practical example shows the effectiveness of the proposed method.
出处 《模糊系统与数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期125-133,共9页 Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71071002) 教育部高等学校博士点基金资助项目(2012401110001) 留学回国人员科研启动项目 安徽省自然科学基金资助项目(1308085QG127) 安徽省高校省级自然科学研究重点项目(KJ2012A026) 安徽省教育厅人文社科项目(SK2013B041)
关键词 直觉模糊集 直觉模糊距离 直觉模糊优先有序加权距离算子 多属性群决策 Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set Intuitionistic Fuzzy Distance IFPOWD Operator Multi-attributeGroup Decision-making
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