
利用GGE双标图和综合选择指数划分棉花品种生态区 被引量:14

Using GGE biplot and comprehensive selection index to investigate mega-environments of cotton cultivar
摘要 为提高农作物品种多性状选育和应用的可靠性,本研究基于品种选择指数,应用GGE双标图进行了棉花品种生态区划分。首先依据国家棉花品种审定标准构建通用性强的品种选择指数(SI),即SI=0.40×皮棉产量+0.13×纤维比强度+0.09×(纤维长度+马克隆值)+0.11×枯萎病+0.09×黄萎病+0.10×霜前花率。然后,采用GGE双标图方法对2000—2013年期间39组(含585个单点试验)长江流域国家棉花区域试验中品种选择指数的基因型与环境互作效应及环境间关系进行综合评价与分析。研究结果将长江流域棉区划分为四川盆地生态区、南襄盆地生态区、浙江省沿海生态区和长江中下游生态区。其中,长江中下游生态区为长江流域的主要品种生态区,对长江流域的总体环境代表性最强,涵盖了湖南省环洞庭湖棉区、湖北省江汉平原和鄂东南岗地棉区、江西省环鄱阳湖棉区、安徽省沿江棉区、江苏省宁镇丘陵及沿江和沿海棉区;四川盆地生态区、南襄盆地生态区和浙江省沿海生态区均为特殊生态环境条件下的品种生态区,对总体环境代表性较差。因此,将以长江流域棉区为广谱适应性育种目标环境的棉花品种综合性状选择试验优先安排在长江中下游生态区中,有利于提高育种的总体选择效果,而其余品种生态区不适宜作为以长江流域为目标环境的品种综合性状选择环境,可侧重于特殊适应性品种选育。本研究充分展示了GGE双标图在品种生态区划分方面的应用效果,合理划分了长江流域基于选择指数的棉花品种生态区,可为长江流域棉区的品种多性状选择和推荐策略提供决策依据,也为其他棉区和作物品种生态区划分提供参考。 The application of cultivar selection index in crop variety breeding program could improve simultaneous selection efficiency of multiple target traits. Also genotypes derived from explorations of interactions with the environment and investigations of mega-environments using selection index contribute to rational utilization of specific adaptations of certain cultivars and environments, which could eventually enhance the reliability of variety breeding and multi-trait applications. As the most useful statistical and visualizing tool for mega-environment investigation, GGE biplot technique has been extensively used in the analysis of regional crop-trial datasets. Nevertheless, reports on cotton mega-environment identification using comprehensive cultivar selection index have to date remained scarce. The objective of this study was:1) to construct a set of practicable cultivar selection index in line with national cotton variety registration criteria and 2) to investigate mega-environments using multi-trait selection index based on GGE biplot analysis. Datasets were collected from 39 sets of regional trials of cotton varieties, including 585 single-site cultivar comparison tests in the Yangtze River Valley (YaRV) in 2000-2013. Based on the results, the constructed cotton cultivar selection index (SI) was SI=0.40 × lint cotton yield+0.13 × fiber strength+0.09 × (fiber length+micronaire value)+0.11 × Fusarium wilt+0.09 × Verticillium wilt+0.10 × harvesting ratio of seed cotton before frost. Based on GGE biplot analysis, cotton planting region in YaRV was divided into four mega-environments for selection index. The four mega-environments included Sichuan Basin, Nanxiang Basin, Zhejiang Province Coastal Region and YaRV Middle/Lower Reaches. YaRV Middle/Lower Reaches mega-environemnt was most representative of the entire region. It covered the main cotton planting regions in YaRV, including the area around Dongting Lake in Hunan Province, the Jianghan Plains, the Southeast Downland in Hubei Province, the area around Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province, the area along Yangtze River in Anhui Province, the Ningzhen Hilly Region, the area along Yangtze River and the Coastal Region in Jiangsu Province. However, the mega-environments of Sichuan Basin, Nanxiang Basin and Zhejiang Province Coastal Region were identified as special sub-regions with distinct ecological conditions. This set of environments was less representative of cotton planting region in YaRV. Subsequently, it was beneficial to promote breeding efficiency in order to realize broad adaptation selection of multi-trait across the entire cotton planting region in YaRV via preferential arrangements of breeding locations in the YaRV Middle/Lower Reaches maga-environment. Although the other mega-environments were not conducive for selection to represent the entire region for broad breeding adaptation programs, they were suitable for focusing on specific adaptive cultivar selections. This study showed the effectiveness of GGE biplot analysis in ecological regionalization. It was successfully used to divide the mega-environments in RaRV based on cultivar selection index. The study provided the scientific basis for decision-making on multi-trait cotton selections and recommendation of new cultivar policies in YaRV. It also provided a good example for implementation of similar ecological analyses in other cotton planting regions or even other crops.
作者 许乃银 李健
出处 《中国生态农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期1113-1121,共9页 Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
基金 江苏省农业科技自主创新资金项目(CX-12-5035)资助
关键词 棉花(Gossypium hirsutum L )GGE双标图 多性状 品种选择指数 品种生态区长江流域作物区 域试验 Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) GGE biplot Multi-trait Cultivar selection index Mega-environment YangtzeRiver Valley (YaRV) Regional crop trial
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