目的通过对宁夏乡镇卫生院的处方抽样,分析国家基本药物制度实施前后乡镇卫生院门诊合理用药的变化情况。方法结合世界卫生组织推荐的合理用药指标,对医改前后宁夏地区医疗机构门诊患者用药情况进行回顾性调查和研究。结果 2009、2010和2011年单处方平均用药种数分别为3.23种、3.12种和3.15种;含抗生素的门诊处方数分别为549张、736张和601张。各占当年处方总数的比例为53.1%、60.4%和54.2%;含注射剂的门诊处方数分剐为293张、341张和248张,各占当年处方总数的比例为28.3%、28.0%和22.4%;使用激素的门诊处方数分别为17、28和21张。结论基本药物制度对基层医疗卫生机构合理用药有促进作用,但抗生素、注射剂的使用情况仍待改善。政府应加强对抗生素和注射剂的监管力度,以提高其合理用药程度。
OBJECTIVE Through sample prescription of township health center, study rational drug use of primary Health Care Insti- tution before and after essential medicine system(EMS). METHODS The selected indictors recommended by WHO/INRUD were ap- plied to evaluate the rational drug use of prescription in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region before and after Essential Medicine System. RESULTS The average number of drugs per prescription was 3.23, 3.12 and 3.15 in three years. The prescriptions including antibiot- ics were 549, 736 and 601 respectively. The prescriptions including injection are 293, 341 and 248. Using hormones of prescription are 17, 28 and 21 respectively. CONCLUSION The Essential Medicine System could play the role of promoting the rational use of drugs, but its effeet on antibiotics and injection is limited. The government should strengthen the supervision of antibiotics and injec- tion, in order to improve the level of rational drug use.
Chinese Primary Health Care
essential medicine system
rational drug use
primary health care institution
prescription analysis