
棒束通道内过冷沸腾起始点的实验研究 被引量:5

Experiment Study on Onset of Nucleate Boiling in Rod Bundle Channel
摘要 本文以去离子水为实验介质,在进口温度80~100℃、质量流速0~100 kg/(m2· s)、热流密度0~80 kW/m2的条件下对棒束通道内的过冷沸腾起始点(ONB)进行了实验研究。分析了部分热工参数和棒束特殊的几何结构对ONB的影响,通过引入雷诺数,对棒束通道内ONB的数据进行非线性回归分析,得到适用于棒束通道ONB的经验关系式。结果表明:新拟合得到的关系式能较准确地预测棒束通道内ONB的热流密度,其预测值的相对误差为14.75%。 An experimental investigation on onset of nucleate boiling (ONB ) with the deionized water as experimental medium in the rod bundle channel was performed in this paper .The experiments were carried out at inlet temperature ranging from 80 to 100 ℃ , the mass flow rate from 0 to 100 kg/(m2 · s) ,and heat flux varying from 0 to 80 kW/m2 .Effect on ONB of some parameters ,including part of thermal parameters and geom-etry parameters of rod bundle ,was also analyzed .Meanwhile ,by introducing the Reyn-olds number ,the empirical correlation of ONB suitable for the rod bundle channel was obtained by the nonlinear regression analysis for ONB’s experimental data .The results show that the new empirical correlation is good at predicting ONB ’s heat flux for rod bundle channel and the relative error of predicting value is 14.75% .
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期1416-1420,共5页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
关键词 棒束通道 过冷沸腾起始点 经验关系式 rod bundle channel onset of nucleate boiling empirical correlation
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