
热带水果的能量触发式示温标签薄膜研究 被引量:3

Energy Triggered Label Film for Tropical Fruit
摘要 目的热带水果由于其特殊的生理特点不能像普通蔬果一样进行低温贮藏,极易由于高温导致果体的腐烂变质,能量触发式变色薄膜是一种新型的功能型材料,新型的示温标签可以警示不合适的贮藏温度,达到延长热带水果保鲜期的作用。方法通过在聚乙烯醇(PVA)母胶中加入助剂,采用基板成膜制得能量触发式标签薄膜,并研究了温度、变色剂浓度、薄膜厚度、吐温80含量对标签性能的影响。结果实验的影响显著性大小依次为变色剂质量分数、薄膜厚度、温度、吐温80含量。结论45℃下向原有配料中加入质量分数为2%的变色剂、0.2%的吐温80母液制备平均厚度为0.09 mm的样本变色标签膜,各项性能达到最佳。 Objective Because of their special physical characteristics, tropical fruits cannot be stored at low temperatures like ordinary vegetables and fruits. They can go bad due to high temperatures. Energy triggered discoloration films are a new type of functional materials. The new pyrometric labels can help to extend the shelf life of tropical fruits by warning inappropriate storage temperature. Methods Energy triggered label films were produced by adding auxiliaries to polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) in the flat. The effects of temperature, concentration of color changing agent, film thickness, Tween 80 content on the label's performance were studied. Results The significance of the effects were in the order: mass fraction of color changing agents, thickness, temperature, Tween 80. Conclusion Films with the thickness of 0.09 mm, 2% color changing agent, 0.2% Tween 80, at 45 ℃, have the best performance.
机构地区 上海海洋大学
出处 《包装工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期1-5,共5页 Packaging Engineering
基金 国家高技术研究发展863计划基金资助(2012AA0992301)
关键词 热带水果 变色 示温标签 薄膜 tropical fruit color change temperature indicating label film
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