
新老混凝土弯曲性能试验研究 被引量:1

Testing study on flexural performance of new-to-old concrete
摘要 结构的修复与加固会导致结构中新老混凝土结构界面的存在。新老混凝土结构界面的性能直接关系到结构修复加固的效果及结构的安全。采用有、无植筋对新老混凝土弯曲性能的影响对比试验,研究了新老混凝土弯曲性能。试验结果表明新老混凝土界面采用植筋处理后弯曲强度及等效弹性模量得到明显提高。试验结果为更好地进行混凝土结构的修复与加固提供了依据。 Repair and rehabilitation of concrete members is a common requirement in present day maintenance of structures.Many concrete structures have been rehabilitated in order to extend the service life or restore the original strength of the structures.An interface appears whenever a repair material is applied to structures after rehabilitation.Usually the interface is relatively weaker than the material on either side of it in a repaired system.The performance of the repaired system is strongly dependent on the performance of the interface.The testing study on flexural performance of new-to-old concrete has been carried out to compared structures with and without embedded bar. The testing results showed that embedded bars can improve the flexural strength and elastic modulus.The testing results also can provide evidence in further studies which employ repair and rehabilitation of concrete structures.
出处 《混凝土》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期21-22,26,共3页 Concrete
基金 国家自然科学基金(11132003 51079045)
关键词 新老混凝土 界面 抗弯 弹性模量 试验 new-to-old concrete interface flexural performance elastic modulus testing
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