Japanese basic education was in an ever-increasing crisis with hot responses to it when o professor Sato Manabu presented the concept "learning community" in Japan. With various reform programs put into practice, school education fell into a state of confusion and uncertainty. Teachers, students and parents have kept exploring what the reform should do to create a happy school life and a better future for students. Since China and Japan have faced a similar crisis and confusion in today's globalization era, professor Sato holds that to create a learning community as a way of reform can be seen as the philosophy and vision of 21st century leading to the entire school construction in east Asia, which has now been rapidly developed everywhere. Professor Zhong Qiquan from East China Normal University who has kept a precious friendship with Sato Manabu for 30 years, has been long concerned about the development of basic education in Japan. He has taken pains in translating a series of Sato's study works for China's teachers and education researchers, including the latest publication in 2014 of his work ((School Observations: the Practice of Learning Community)). This paper is a special interview by the correspondent of our journal with professor Zhong Qiquan to discuss a series of issues relating to the difference between "learning community" and traditional teaching, the deep and supporting thoughts behind it and the reflection from the practice, and its enlightenment for the development of basic education in China.
Primary & Secondary Schooling Abroad