
北京市东城区学校传染病聚集性疫情分析与防控策略探讨 被引量:14

Analysis and strategy discussion on epidemic situation of infectious diseases at school in Dongcheng District, Beijing
摘要 目的 了解东城区学校传染病聚集性疫情的流行特点,探讨学校传染病疫情调查处理的科学方法.方法 通过对北京市东城区2013年9月至2014年1月出现的10起传染病聚集性疫情进行描述性研究,对接报处置以及控制措施的落实情况进行总结分析,总结学校传染病疫情的流行病学特征、病原学特征,分析现行的疫情监测方法和控制措施的优势与不足.结果 在10起疫情中,5起检出腺病毒,平均罹患率为34.1%,罹患率范围在21.3%~53.1%之间;4起检出流感病毒,平均罹患率19.4%,罹患率在8.3%~53.5%之间;1起检出诺如病毒,罹患率16.48%.结论 秋冬季呼吸道病毒和肠道病毒共同威胁着学生健康.在校学生人数多、办学规模大的学校,尤其小学是学校疫情防控的重点. Objective To understand the epidemic characteristics of infectious diseases at the schools of Dongcheng district,and explore the scientific methods for investigation and management of infectious diseases at school.Methods Through the descriptive study,we analyzed the implementation of reports and control measures for 10 cases of infectious diseases in Dongcheng district from September 2013 to January 2014,summarized the epidemiological and etiology characteristics of infectious disease at school,analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the current epidemic surveillance methods and control measures.Results Among the 10 cases,five of them were caused by adenovirus,the average attack rate was 34.1%,the range of attack rates were between 21.3% and 53.1% ; four of them were infected with influenza virus,the average attack rate was 19.4%,the range of attack rates ranged 8.3%-53.5% ; one was norovirus,the attack rate was 16.48%.Conclusions Respirovirus and enterovirus are the main pathogen of infectious diseases at school of Dongcheng district during the autumn and winter period.The large-scale schools which have more students,especially primary schools are key point in the prevention and control of infectious diseases.
出处 《国际病毒学杂志》 2014年第4期159-162,共4页 International Journal of Virology
关键词 学校 传染病 防控策略 School Infectious diseases Strategy
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