
180份流感样病例标本中腺病毒的感染特征分析 被引量:2

Analysis of adenovirus infection characteristics in 180 clinical specimens from influenza-like cases
摘要 目的了解急性呼吸道感染患者人类腺病毒(HAdV)感染及型别分布特点。方法收集2011年7月-2012年6月间杭州市余杭区第一人民医院儿科收集的急性呼吸道感染患儿咽拭子标本180份,采用巢氏RT-PCR法扩增Hexon区域,阳性PCR产物通过测序确定HAdV型别。结果 180例咽拭子标本中共检出HAdV阳性标本为25份,阳性率为13.8%。其中阳性标本型别构成为HAdV-3型15份,HAdV-7型3份,HAdV-4型1份,HAdV-6型2份,HAdV-2型4份。患者感染年龄均集中于11个月~9岁间,男女感染患儿性别构成比为2∶3。结论 HAdV是余杭区儿童急性呼吸道感染的重要病原体之一,发病以9岁以下幼儿及儿童为主,型别分布主要以3型为主,同时有多种型别散发存在。 Objective To investigate the infection status and distribution characteristics of patients with acute respiratory infection caused by human adenoviruses(HAdVs). Methods One hundred and eighty throat swabs specimens from children with acute respiratory infections were collected from July 2011 to June 2012 in the department of pediatrics of the first people's hospital of Yuhang district to detect the adenovirus. Hexon region of the adenovirus was amplified by nested RT-PCR method,and the HAdV types were identified by sequencing of the positive PCR products. Results Twenty-five positive specimens of HAdVs were detected from 180 throat swab specimens,the positive rate was 13. 8%. Among these 25 HAdV positive specimens,15 cases were HAdv-3 type,3 cases were HAdv-7 type,1 case was HAdv-4 type,2 cases were HAdv-6 type,4 cases were HAdv-2 type. Most HAdV infection cases were found between 11 months and 9 years old,and the ratio of male to female was2∶3. Conclusion Human adenovirus is one of the important pathogens for acute respiratory infection in children in Yuhang district,and the high-incidence population was infants and children under 9 years old. HAdV-3 ranked the first of the HAdV types,and there were also many sporadic cases of other types.
出处 《中国卫生检验杂志》 北大核心 2014年第15期2220-2222,共3页 Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
关键词 急性呼吸道感染 腺病毒 巢氏RT-PCR Acute respiratory tract infections Adenovirus Nested RT -PCR
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