
基于模糊集的国际专利分类与产业的关联性评估 被引量:3

Assessment on the Linkage between International Patent Classification and Industry Based on Fuzzy Sets
摘要 基于模糊集理论并结合定性分析,以国际专利分类与风能产业的关联性为研究对象。利用"IPC代码—专利号—分类号"(IPCC)矩阵建立IPC代码及其专利的关联产业的隶属函数和模糊集,通过模糊集定量评估关联性。研究结果表明,国际专利分类与产业既有确定的关联性又有不确定的关联性,并在模糊集的核、支集和边界的元素及其个数,模糊度和模糊集之间的关系密切程度三个方面上的反映有所不同。研究结论可以为认识国际专利分类与产业的关联性提供理论参考。 Based on fuzzy sets combining with qualitative analysis, the paper assessed associativity between international patent classifica-tion( IPC) and industry from the perspective of patent and IPC code. This paper used"IPC code-Patent number-classification code" ma-trix to constitute membership function and fuzzy sets, and quantitatively assessed the associativity between IPC and industry. The results showed that the associativity was definite or indefinite, and there were differences on the elements of KerR、SuppR and BonR, fuzziness and degree of relationship. The results of this paper could offer academic reference to identify the associativity.
作者 黄鲁成 黄斌
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第7期76-80,共5页 Journal of Intelligence
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"新兴技术未来分析理论方法及产业创新研究"(编号:11&ZD140)
关键词 模糊集 隶属函数 模糊度 国际专利分类 产业 关联性 Fuzzy sets membership function Fuzzy degree IPC Industry Associativity
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