

A Structural Analysis of the Narratives of Cyberwar: Subjects and Objectives
摘要 网络战过于宽泛的概念和它的任意使用引起了人们对于网络战叙事产生的背后原因以及其所声称的真实性的一系列猜测。从媒体报道、决策者和专家这三个主体角度分析了美国的网络战叙事,解释这个概念产生混淆的原因,并分析制造这些网络战叙事的主体表面的和潜在的利益动机所在。剖析这些利益主体及其不同动机能够对网络战研究有一定的启发,从而可以更加客观地认识网络战叙事并避免决策过程中的可能错误。 The concept of cyberwar has become too broad and its random use raises a series of doubts about the reasons behind the creation of such narratives and the genuineness of their claims. This article analyzes the narratives of cyberwar produced in the U. S. from the per-spectives of media reports, decision makers and experts. It then explains why the concept has become so confusing and what are the explic-it and concealed objectives of the actors producing such narratives. Dissecting these actors and their objectives will help to shed some light on the issue of cyberwar, in order to promote better judgment and avoid dangerous fallacies in the process of policymaking.
作者 蔡翠红 杰古
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第8期25-30,共6页 Journal of Intelligence
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"21世纪中美关系中的网络政治研究"(编号:12BGJ018) 复旦大学科研项目"中美网络空间战略比较:差异 影响与中国应对"的成果之一
关键词 网络战 网络战叙事 网络威胁 网络安全 网络攻击 利益主体 cyberwar narratives of cyberwar cyber threat cyber security cyber attack actors
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