

On the Time Narrative of the Prose in Eighty Years
摘要 社会主义现代化是20世纪八十年代思想解放运动的总体性思想,八十年代散文的时间叙事在意识形态叙述、历史批判精神、哲学探索意识等方面,都包含了对社会主义现代化的总体性追求。首先,八十年代散文无论是对特定时间的隐喻与讴歌,还是厚今薄古意识,都是放置在社会主义现代化建设历程中进行考察。其次,八十年代散文的历史精神超越了十七年散文,十七年散文的历史精神呈现出明显的二元思维模式,八十年代散文的历史叙述是一个由事件填充的完整的时空体,八十年代散文的反思意识、比较意识和整体意识集中体现了历史批判精神。再次,八十年代散文虽然继承了十七年散文的经验方式,但在对时间的哲学思考方面也取得了一定的成就,集中表现在对时间的本源追问以及对时间规律的思考。 The socialist modernization was the totality idea of the ideological emancipation movement in eighty years, because the time narrative of the prose in eighty years which included the ideological narrative, the spirit of historical criticism, the philosophy con-sciousness etc, were on the totality pursuit of the socialist modernization. Firstly, the prose in eighty years which both metaphoring or ex-tolling the specific time, and having the consciousness of which laid more stress on the present than on the past, was placed on the con-struction process of socialist modernization. Secondly, the history spirit of the prose in eighty years were beyond seventeen years, because the history spirit of the prose in seventeen years were clearly demonstrated with binary oppositional thinking model, the history narrative of the prose in eighty years was an full time-space which was filled with some events, and the reflective consciousness, comparative con-sciousness and integral consciousness of the prose in eighty years was collectly demonstrated with the spirit of historical criticism. Thirdly, although the prose in eighty years inherited from the mode of experience of the prose in seventeen years, it made some achievements in the philosophical thinking about time, which was clearly demonstrated with the original question on time and thought about the time law.
作者 颜水生
出处 《保定学院学报》 2014年第4期80-85,共6页 Journal of Baoding University
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"‘50-70年代文学’与‘新时期文学’之关联研究"(08BZW057)
关键词 八十年代文学 八十年代散文 十七年散文 意识形态 历史精神 哲学意识 时间形式 literature in eighty years prose in eighty years literature in seventeen years ideology historical spirit philosophical consciousness time shapes
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