目的 :观察氢化麦角碱 (DHET)治疗脑血管性痴呆 (VD)的临床疗效。方法 :将 66例脑血管性痴呆患者随机分两组 ,氢化麦角碱治疗组 34例 ,设胞二磷胆碱治疗组 32例对照 ,应用韦氏成人智力量表 (WAIS- RC)将上两组各分为三个亚组 :80~ 90分组 ,70~ 79分组 ,70分以下组。结果 :DHET治疗前后 WAIS- RC评分对比 ,80~ 90分组有极显著性差异 ,t=7.35,P<0 .0 1 ;70~ 79分组有显著性差异 ,t=2 .60 ,P<0 .0 5;而 70分以下组及对照组无明显差异 ,P>0 .0 5。结论 :DHET对脑血管性痴呆有较好疗效 。
Objective:To assess the efficacy of dihydroergotoxine (DHET) in treatment of vascular dementia (VD).Methods:66 patients with VD were randomly divided into two groups:34 patients treated with DHET as experimental group,the other 32 patients treated with citicoline as control group. Results:Based on WAIS RC scores,the significant difference among 80~90 subgroups and 70~79 subgroups was found.But no statistical difference of below 70 subgroups was found.Conclusion:DHET is effective in treatment of mild and moderate vascular dementia.
Acta Medicinae Sinica