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5Philip Robins, "The Overlord State: Turkish Policy and the Kurdish Issue", International Affairs, vol. 69, no. 4, October, 1993, p. 659.
6Omer Taspinar, Kemalist Identity in Transition: A Case Study of Kurdish Nationalism and Political Islam in Turkey, a dissertation for PH.D., the Johns Hopkins University, 2001, pp. 242 -243.
7Ayla Gol, Turkey's Euro - vision, Speaking notes for a presentation at the National Europe Center, ANU, 4 July 2003.
8Kemal Kirisci and Gareth M. Winrow, The Kurdish Question and Turkey: An Example of a Trans -State Ethnic Conflict, London and Portland: Frank Cass, 1997, p. 215.
9Peter L. Thompson, "Kurds, Arabs and Britons, The Memoir of Wallace Lyon in Iraq, 1918 - 1944", International Journal of Kurdish Studies, January 2003, p. 38.
10Meltem Muftuler- Bac, "The Never- ending Story: Turkey and the European Union", in Sylvia Kedourie (ed.), Turkey: Before and after Ataturk, London and New York: Routledge, 1999, pp. 211-214.