

摘要 欧盟扩大是欧洲一体化进程中的重大事件。2013年7月1日欧盟正式接纳克罗地亚为第28个成员国,而与克罗地亚同期开始的土耳其入盟谈判仍无实质进展,困难重重。土耳其入盟谈判具有开放性、延缓性和双重性的特点,反映出欧盟在土耳其入盟问题上的"模糊立场"及欧盟扩大政策的不确定性。
作者 田小惠
出处 《黑河学刊》 2014年第8期69-71,共3页 Heihe Journal
基金 北京外国语大学基本科研业务费青年教师创新项目资助。
  • 相关文献


  • 1Eric Faucompret&Jozef Kongings,Turkey's Accession to the EU: Satisfying the Copenhagen Criteira,London:Routledge. 2008.
  • 2The Independent Commission Turkey,Turkey in Europe: More than a promise,British Council 2004.42.
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  • 4Negotiating Framework,Luxembourg.3 October 2005. http:// trade.ec.eumpa.euldoclibldoes120071septemberltradoc_135916.pdf.
  • 5Turkey: the Commission recommends opening accession negotiations http://europa.eu/legislation summaries/enlargement/ ongoing_enlargemenffe50015_en.htm.
  • 6Anne-Marie le Gloannec,Turkey holds a mirror to Europe's Failings, Financial Times,June 9,2004.
  • 7Constantine Arvanitopoulos ed., Turkey's Accession to the European Union: An Unusual Candidacy,London:Springer 2009.
  • 8Burak Akcapar, Turkey's New European Era, London: Littlefield Publishers.2007.
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  • 2Wayne S. Cox, A Crisis in Conflict for International Relations: The Case of the Turkish/Kurdish War through Neogramscian Lenses, a dissertation for PH.D., Queen's University, 2000, p. 2.
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  • 7Ayla Gol, Turkey's Euro - vision, Speaking notes for a presentation at the National Europe Center, ANU, 4 July 2003.
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