

Research on the Student Source and Characteristics in Historically Black Colleges and Universities( HBCUs)——Data analysis of based on NCES
摘要 20世纪60年代以来,美国黑人高等教育领域出现了一场革命。传统黑人院校生源呈现多样化特征,黑人学生所占比例逐渐减少,黑人女性学生入学人数及取得学位呈增长趋势,并逐渐超越黑人男性学生;传统黑人院校的学生大多显出学术准备缺乏、家庭经济地位较低阶层的特点。本文基于美国NCES来源统计数据,进一步分析了传统黑人院校学生的来源与特征,呈现这一过程,力图为我国少数民族院校的改革与发展提供重要的理论及实践参考建议。 Since the 1960s, there has occurred a revolution in African American higher education, making the student sources of HBCUs diversified. The proportion of black students in HBCUs gradually decreased, and the number of black female for the degree outweighed that of black men. Students often came from families lack in academic preparation and low income. Based on NCES, this paper gives a further analysis of the sources and characteristics of HBCUs' students, trying to demonstrate the process and achievements, so as to provide important theoretical and practical some suggestion for the innovation and development of universities for nationalities in China.
作者 甘永涛 梁茜
出处 《教育文化论坛》 2014年第4期45-49,共5页 Tribune of Education Culture
基金 2011年湖北省教育科学十二五规划重点课题"美国少数族裔高等教育特殊政策及其启示"成果(项目编号:2011A049)
关键词 传统黑人院校(HBCUs) 学生来源 特征 HBCUs student source characteristics
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