
浅析英语写作中的可理解性输出 被引量:1

The Effects of Comprehensible Output on English Writing
摘要 本研究旨在探讨可理解性输出在提高大学生英语写作中的作用。该研究对象为贵州大学英语专业的二年级学生,受试学生被分为控制组和受试组。研究者在实验期间对控制组的学生按照该课程规定的教学大纲和教学计划进行日常授课及布置相关练习,而对受试组的学生除了日常授课之外,在巩固操练环节则根据他们的实际水平及需要布置相应的可理解性输出。结果发现,可理解性输出能激发学习者的元语言功能,提高他们的认知效率和语用能力,是把陈述性知识储量转化为实际写作能力的重要过程。 This paper aims to analyze the effects of comprehensible output on university students' English writing. Involved in the study, were 30 participants selected from second -year English majors in Guizhou University and divided into two groups: the control group and the experimental group. Comprehensible output as well as the normal teaching instruments is given to the partricipants in the experimental group based on their actual needs, while the normal teaching instruments and assignments are provided to those in the control group within the study duration. The findings show that comprehensible output stimulates the students' Metalanguage functions, improves their cognitive helps the students apply the declarative knowledge into practice and efficiency and pragmatic competence, promotes their real English writing abilities.
作者 王松
出处 《教育文化论坛》 2014年第4期56-59,共4页 Tribune of Education Culture
基金 贵州大学引进人才科研项目(编号:贵大人基合字(2011)08号)
关键词 可理解性输出 信息处理模式 二语习得 二语写作 comprehensible output information processing model L2 acquisition L2 writing
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