
高压高频脉冲电脱水机理探析 被引量:10

Mechanism Analysis for High Voltage High Frequency Pulse Electric Dehydration
摘要 对电场作用下W/O乳化液中分散相水滴进行了受力分析,并探讨了高压高频脉冲电脱水机理。分析表明,水滴相互靠近、即将聚并时,阻力显著增加,阻力大小与水滴粒径、间距、连续相粘度以及排液系数等有关;电场强度介于临界破乳场强和临界乳化场强时,水滴发生聚并且不发生电分散;水滴在脉冲电场下的受迫振动频率与其固有频率相接近时,共振效应最为明显;脉宽比适中时,静电极化效应明显,可避免电场能泄漏、垮电场等事故的发生。 Under electric field action,the force of dispersed droplets in W /O emulsion was analyzed and the mechanism of electric dehydration with high frequency pulse and high voltage was discussed to show that,when the water droplets become close to coalescence,the resistance increases significantly and its magnitude relates to both size and spacing of droplets,viscosity of continuous phase and liquid discharge; when the electric field intensity stays between critical demulsifying field intensity and critical emulsion field intensity,the water droplets become coalescent and have no electrodipersion; when the forced vibration of water droplets in the pulsed electric field becomes close to the droplets' inherent frequency,the resonance effect acts obviously; and when the pulse width ratio is moderate,the electrostatic polarization effect becomes significant to avoid field energy leak,field collapse and other accidents.
出处 《化工机械》 CAS 2014年第4期457-461,532,共6页 Chemical Engineering & Machinery
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(27R1204021A)
关键词 高频脉冲 电脱水 破乳 乳状液 high frequency pulse eletric dehydration demulsifying field emulsion
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