
肿瘤患儿父母心理弹性及其影响因素的研究 被引量:22

Research on psychological resilience and its influencing factors among parents of children with cancer
摘要 目的探讨肿瘤患儿父母心理弹性及其影响因素。方法采用便利抽样方法抽取111名肿瘤患儿父母,应用一般资料问卷、Connor—Davidson心理弹性问卷(CD—RISC),中文版父母疾病不确定量表(PPUS),社会支持评定量表(SSRS),抑郁自评量表(SDS)及焦虑自评量表(SAS)进行心理弹性调查。结果受调查的125名患儿父母心理弹性总分为(54.86±12.88)分,疾病不确定总分为(91.52±14.66)分,社会支持得分为(39.86±7.99)分,焦虑和抑郁得分分别为(40.08±7.19)分和(44.61±7.38)分;心理弹性与抑郁程度,疾病不确定程度呈负相关,与社会支持呈正相关;抑郁评分,疾病不确定感,居住地,患儿年龄,临床诊断分型进入了心理弹性回归方程,一共能够预测心理弹性总变异的30.1%。结论社会支持,疾病不确定感以及抑郁程度是影响肿瘤患儿父母心理弹性的重要因素,护士应对肿瘤患儿父母进行评估,并采取相应的措施缓解这种压力,帮助建立有效应对方式,改善其心理状况。 Objective To probe into the psychological resilience and its influencing factor among parents of children with cancer. Methods A total of 125 parents were investigated by self-designed general information questionnaire,Connor-Davidson psychological resilience scale (CD-RISC), Chinese version of Parents' Perception Uncertainty in Illness Scale (PPUS),Social Support Rating Scale (SSRS), self-rating depression scale (SDS) and self-rating anxiety scale (SAS). Results The total score of psychological resilience was (54.86±12.88) and the illness uncertainty score was (91.52±14.66). The social support score was moderate with a total score of (39.86±7.99). The anxiety and depression among parents got a total score of (40.08±7.19) and (44.61±7.38) respectively. Psychological resilience was negatively correlated with illness uncertainty and depression, and was positively correlated with the social support. The depression, illness uncertainty, residence,children's age,clinical diagnosis entered into the multiple linear regression equation of psychological resilience, predicting 30.1% of total variation in psychological resilience. Conclusions Social support,illness uncertainty and depression are the important factors which affect psychological resilience among parents of children with cancer. Nurses should assess the social support that parents receive, the level of depression and the disease feeling of the parents,and provide targeted interventions to relieve it,help to establish effective coping style and improve their psychological state.
出处 《中国实用护理杂志》 北大核心 2014年第24期55-58,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing
关键词 肿瘤患儿 父母 心理弹性 影响因素 Children with cancer Parents Psychological resilience Influencing factor
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