
喀什地区2家医院常用镇静催眠药应用分析 被引量:1

Analysis of the Application of Commonly Used Sedative Hypnotic Drug of Two Hospitals in Kashgar District
摘要 目的:调查分析喀什地区2家医院精神障碍患者镇静催眠药的应用情况,促进临床合理用药。方法:调取喀什地区2家医院计算机数据库中2010-2012年有关镇静催眠药的处方,对其品种、销售金额、用量、用药天数等进行统计、分析。结果:镇静催眠药销售金额逐年增加,2012年的增长率为23.63%;氟硝西泮销售金额排序居前列,且增幅最大;使用金额分列第2、3位的为阿普唑仑、劳拉西泮;中成药中,天王补心丸的销售金额逐年增加;用药频度(DDDs)排序前5位的为阿普唑仑、氟硝西泮、艾司唑仑、劳拉西泮、地西泮,除阿普唑仑[药物利用指数(DUI)=1.04]外其余药物DUI均<1。结论:喀什地区镇静催眠药使用较多的均为国家基本药物,临床应用较为合理,但加强管理仍十分必要。 OBJECTIVE: To investigate and analyze the application of commonly used sedative hypnotic drug in mental disorder patients from two hospitals in Kashagar district, and to promote rational drug use in the clinic. METHODS: The prescription of sedative hynotic drugs from computer data base of 2 hospitals in Kashagar district in 2010--2012 was analyzed retrospectively. The application categories, sales amount, quantity, drug using days of sedative hypnotic drugs were analyzed statistically. RESULTS: The consumption sum of sedative hypnotic drugs increased year by year with the growth rate of 23.63% in 2012. The consumption sum of flunitrazepam took up the first place with the largest growth, followed by alprazolam and lorazepam. Among Chinese patent medi- cine, the consumption sum of Tianwang buxin pills increased year by year. Top 5 sedative hypnotic drugs in the list of DDDs were alprazolam, flunitrazepam, estazolam, lorazepam and diazepam. Expect alprazolam (DUI= 1.04), the drug utilization index (DUI) of other drugs was less than 1. CONCLUSIONS: Most of sedative hypnotic drugs used in Kashgar district are national essential med- icines, and the application of them is basically rational; it is necessary to strengthen the management of them.
作者 肖卉 任秀云
出处 《中国药房》 CAS CSCD 2014年第34期3189-3191,共3页 China Pharmacy
关键词 精神障碍 镇静催眠 西药 中成药 用药分析 Mental disorder Sedative and hypnotic Western medicine Chinese patent medicine Analysis of drug use
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